The weather was simply amazing earlier in the week and so we spent some time hanging out at the Graslei on Tuesday, eating and drinking, enjoying the sun until it hid behind the houses... and then we sat some more.
And on Wednesday, my best friend and I went to Brussels to see Air play live at the Ancienne Belgique. They played a great set, I'm really starting to enjoy their new stuff! The sign in the first photo says the show is sold out (of course)!
Thursday was bittersweet, because we had our final oral Dutch exam. I say bittersweet because we really enjoyed the class, and we're all in love with our teacher, and it's just too bad that some things have to come to an end... But we all passed the course, so that's good! Right after, we all headed to our Portuguese friend's house for a little get together.
And that brings us to Friday. My classmate and I handed in a huge paper that we managed to write in between all the fun we are having... It was a breakdown of the major EU directives from 2006. And we went to visit Brussels again, this time for a quick tour of the European Parliament. I really haven't had much exposure to the EU in the past, but now I'm learning quite a lot about it, and for the first time, I'm considering working in Public Affairs...
Friday night, we started our weekend of partying by making some fancy drinks: our version of hot shots (coffee, cream and orange liquor). This is a very important weekend for partying because, not only is it my best friend's first weekend here, it's also one of my Finnish friend's last!!! It's happy and sad all at the same time...
We grew some milky mustaches:
Ok, that was absolutely everything that happened during the best week ever! Hope you're all well! Kusjes!