Sunday, April 15, 2007

The last few days of the Easter break have been without further incident. I've been having a really nice time actually. But of course, I have left all my school work until today, and still I'm procrastinating with the blog...

My cousin was nice enough to send in some photos of Easter in Warsaw. Here I am with my uncle and grandparents at the breakfast table (I still have the flu and am trying to "cure" it with some morning cognac):

And this is from a walk my cousin, uncle and I took to Lazienki Park after breakfast:

This is from last Monday, my cousins and I out for drinks:

And then back to Ghent! On Friday, Freyja and I went exploring and found a beautiful park in the south end of the city. There's a beach and a lake, and lots of green spaces to just go sit and relax. We went around and were pretending to shop around for real estate in the area (there's gorgeous houses on the outskirts of the park)... I know for those of you in Ottawa/Toronto, that you probably don't want to hear this, but it's been over 22 degrees here since Wednesday, and not a cloud in the sky:

Yesterday, a couple of friends and I made our way down to Brussels for the International Festival of Fantastic Film. A good family friend hooked us up with some free tickets to see the evening's big event, a new movie from the maker's of Shaun of the Dead, called Hot Fuzz. It was hilarious and gross and just brilliant and we laughed the whole way through! Here's the trailer for it:

That's it for now... I should really get some work done! Kusjes!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

So I'm almost completely over the purse incident. Last night I was, until I remembered that I had bought some delicious miso paste at the health food store, and was carrying it around in my purse the day it was stolen... And last night I had a huge craving for miso soup. Then I got really really mad at the purse snatcher, but now I think I'm over it again.

Easter was so nice thanks to the grandparents! And my aunt and uncle, and my cousins and various other wonderful people I was lucky enough to see on my short trip to Warsaw. I was horribly sick the first few days, but my grandfather took care of me: brought me tea and medicine, and ordered me to bed rest. In the end, I was able to enjoy Easter breakfast on Saturday. So much good food! Then Monday I finally went out on the town, visited the Old Town Square and had a few drinks with my cousins and an old friend. Had to be back by 11 pm though, because grandma sets a curfew every time I visit. Tuesday I managed to get a little shopping done, and went out again in the evening to see Wojtek and Marcin (my "uncles" who are actually younger than me) and a friend from Ottawa who is doing an internship at the Canadian Embassy right now. We started off a Jazz bar, and moved to a really nice hookah place to enjoy some apple-flavoured smoke.

And then it was Wednesday, and time to leave! It went by so fast!

As I mentioned, thanks to the purse incident, I don't have a camera anymore, so I don't really have any pictures from Poland to share with you right now. One of my cousins will hopefully forward me some from Easter breakfast... but until then, here are some pictures from that wonderful week before the incident, aka "one of the best weeks in the history of time," from Freyja's camera.

This first one is of me on a Vespa, on our way to Make Up (Saturday night):

This is me and our good Belgian friend:

The Finns dancing and generally having way too much fun!

And then there's me, thoughtful, as always:


Friday, April 6, 2007

Well, my purse was stolen on Wednesday night. Yup. First the key incident, now the purse incident. I am kind of getting tired of these incidents. Surprisingly, though, I am still in good spirits. I dealt with everything I needed to deal with yesterday, including making a police statement, canceling my card, getting a new phone, etc. My Momma was nice enough to forward me some money until I can set up a new bank account here... The only thing is that my camera was in the purse, so I may not have as many pics to post for the remainder of the trip.

On top of this, I have been fighting a little bit of a cold since Monday, which has now developed until a full-blown coughing and sneezing fest... Just in time for my trip to Warsaw. I am leaving this afternoon to visit my grandparents for Easter. I am still excited, and hope that I will feel better soon!

This was just a quick update to let you know I'm still alive! Kusjes!