Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I said I was going to update on the weekend, but that hasn't happened yet. I'm sorry. It's the end of the month and my Internet is acting up again; our house always manages to use up all our broadband limits, which makes our connection unbearably slow during the last few days. I'm just dropping by to say that everything is "heel goed!" I picked up my best friend, Freyja, at the train station yesterday. She has just spent some time with her friend and ex-roommate in London... they had a great time, but Freyja had been complaining about the London weather (of course). So I promised her some sunshine in Ghent, and boy did I deliver! It was sunny and 17 yesterday. More of the same today. I'm just trying to finish up a paper, and then we will be having a picnic with some friends from school along the Graslei. More soon, and some pictures of course. Lots of kusjes!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YEAY! Freyja's there?!? Tell her I say hi! I hope you two have a ton of fun. But not too much of course... :P I love you I love you I love you! Take care,
Keep up the updates,